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The New Stuff

The Talking Parrot Series - 1

I have a talking parrot at home these days and that parrot is none other than my little one! Yes, he talks now and that too a lot. Time flies, we always say this, but wait till you have a baby and see him/her growing in front of you. You really will see this term “time flies” in a different light altogether . So, this talking parrot has to repeat everything we speak. At times, his sentences leave me totally amazed wondering if it’s really him who said all this! And the reactions range from Awwww to WTH to Oleeee to WHAT! Yes, yes parenting emotions are all about diversity and that too at a speed which you won’t even know is humanly possible :P

So, yesterday I was trying out a dress and little one was as usual messing up with things kept on the dressing table. What’s with the fascination of these kids with dressing table and kitchen utensils! As usual my brain was multi tasking and while I was looking at the fitting of the dress, I kept on saying, “Ni No! Don’t throw this! Don’t open that” A total irritated WTH stage I was into when the little one suddenly stopped and started looking at me intently with a smile.
Me to Ni (that’s what he calls himself these days): Ni, Mumma achchi lag rahi hai?
Ni: Aan, Mumma achchi. After a short pause, with gleaming eyes and pointing to his own clothes, he asks: Mumma, aul Ni achchi?
Oh that shining eyes and that cute “Aul Ni achchi”, I immediately bent down, hugged him and replied:
Me: Ale Ni toh hamesha achcha, har kuch mein achcha, sabse achcha!
Ni: Otte. Mumma bi hamesha achcha, hal tuch mein achcha, shabshe achcha!

I can’t tell you how I felt at that moment! An immediate transition to “Awwww” from “WTH” within seconds! I know he didn’t understand what he said, he was just repeating my sentence by replacing Ni with Mumma but still it was such a different thing to listen to it from his mouth. #WishfulThinking by the mommy in me – Wish he will say this someday when he understands the meaning of it as well .

And the mommy in me has decided to document such tidbits of my current phase of life. On those gloomy, clueless, lost-in-life days I must come back and read these to remind myself that life is not only about pre-decided goals, fierce ambition, planned holidays, showcasing our perfect life on social media and socializing with so-called friends! At times, it’s just about living in the moment and experiencing it then and there. For you never know, when one of those moments will actually become memory that you would like to cherish forever! A memory that's sure to bring a smile on your face whenever you will think of that moment!

More options, lesser communication :)

I'm back! Once again! Once again I was gone for long and once again I want to be back! To this space of mine that I had always cherished! That I want to cherish in future as well! The space that is mine! Where I was free to express anything! I miss this space. And my expressions! And the me-time that this space used to give me earlier! I want that back! I really do! Those people with whom I could converse! Without the fear of being judged! The like minded ones! And the not-so-like minded ones! Opinions of whom were healthy! And so were the conversations! I want those readers back! I really do! I don't want this space of mine to meet the same fate as that of many other form of communications these days! Conversations are shorter! Opinions are fabricated! Ideas are copied! Personal interactions are dead! And ideologies are... well, what's that?

Well, whatever be the situation now, one thing is for sure that I had always liked to have a space where I could express myself. It started from a black slate as my mom says where I used to draw things at night that I did the whole day :), moved to copies, then diaries, then fancy notebooks, then handcrafted notepads, then a computer, then a basic laptop, then a higher end laptop, then an ipad, then a fancy phone, then millions of writing apps installed on multiple digital devices, then... phew the more the options and the fancier the medium, the lesser the communication! No :)? At least with a black slate, white chalk and minimum language skills I used to draw daily :). So, here's a hope that amidst all the chaos of life, daily madness, insane schedules, inner turmoil and external craziness, I will get back to certain passions of my life that I once truly enjoyed! And writing definitely is one of them.

Anybody still coming here :)? 

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